The Ultimate Calculators were a series of TI-83 Plus graphing calculators modded with backlights, PS/2 peripheral ports, a touchpad, case mods, and paint jobs.
In the summer of 2007, I participated in an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. I developed a project that had previously been proposed by a graduate student at that institution but never attempted, using image processing methods to evaluate the probability that a photomicrography image contained cancerous cells. I spent ten weeks on the project, eventually producing a prototype in Matlab capable of identifying cell nuclei and thus predicting the presence of cancer cells in prostate photomicography even when faced with varied cell and image size, image contrast, image coloration, and other variables.
WorldTrends was a web application to track headlines and trends across news and financial sources and eventually extract events correlated with results.
Pre-dating “IoT” as a concept, the SMSDoor was an electrical doorlock that could be controlled via AIM, SMS message, or a webpage, with user-based access control.
Miscellaneous and otherwise undocumented acacdemic projects, from my undergraduate and graduate work
Miscellaneous and otherwise undocumented hardware and hardware design projects from throughout my life and career.
Miscellaneous and otherwise undocumented software projects, including graphing calculator software, web applications,