Graph3DP is a powerful 3D graphing application for the Casio Prizm (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG50). Enter one to six 3D equations, and rotate and zoom the resulting graph. You can adjust the window and trace over the mesh to examine X, Y, and Z value. This final 1.0 release has been thoroughly tested, and the underlying equation-parsing system, AHelper’s gCAS2, has been overhauled for speed and correctness. Graph3DP understands thirteen built-in math functions, from sin() to atan() to sqrt() to ln(), plus addition, subtract, multiplication, division, grouping, and exponentiation. Give it a download and try it today; this will surely become an permanent fixture on your Casio Prizm.

  • Rendering and rotation of up to 3D graphs at a 21x21-point grid (or fewer graphs at higher resolution)
  • Simultaneous graphing of up to 6 3D equations
  • Tracing over graphs to examine the (X, Y, Z) coordinates of points.
  • User-configurable grid colors, background colors, bounds and axis display, axis labels, and more.
  • User-settable window and zoom.
